Calculate selection intensity under an assumption of pairwise gene-level epistasis. Selection at the gene level is assumed to act through all specified variants (see options), with the selection for each gene's variants allowed to vary based on the mutational status of the other gene's variants.
- cesa
CESAnalysis object
- genes
Vector of gene names; SIs will be calculated for all gene pairs. Alternatively, a list of gene pairs (2-length character vectors) to run just the given pairings.
- variants
Which variants to include in inference for each gene. Either "recurrent" for all variants present in two or more samples (across all MAF data), "nonsilent" for nonsynonymous coding variants and variants in essential splice sites, or a data.table containing all variants to include (as returned by
or by subsetting[CESAnalysis\]$variants
). For noncoding variants with multiple gene annotations, the one listed in the "gene" column is used. In the recurrent method, nearby noncoding variants may be included.- samples
Which samples to include in inference. Can be a vector of Unique_Patient_Identifiers, or a data.table containing rows from the CESAnalysis sample table. Samples that do not have coverage at all variant sites in a given inference will be set aside.
- model
Set to "default" to use built-in model of epistatic selection, or supply a custom function factory (see details).
- run_name
Optionally, a name to identify the current run.
- cores
Number of cores for parallel processing of gene pairs.
- conf
Confidence interval size from 0 to 1 (.95 -> 95%). NULL skips calculation, which may be helpful to reduce runtime when analyzing many gene pairs.
- lik_args
Extra arguments, given as a list, to pass to custom likelihood functions.
- optimizer_args
optimizer_args List of arguments to pass to the optimizer (bbmle::mle2).
- pval_calc_fn
For use with custom models; optional. A function that takes an epistasis model fit as input and returns p-values and other descriptives.
- return_fit
TRUE/FALSE (default FALSE): Embed epistatic model fits for each gene pair in a "fit" attribute of the epistasis results table. Use
attr(my_results, 'fit')
to access the list of fitted models.
CESAnalysis with a table of epistatic inferences appended to list [CESAnalysis]$epistasis
. Some column definitions:
variant_A, variant_B: Gene names. Specifically, A and B refer to the merged sets of included variants from each gene.
ces_A0: Cancer effect (scaled selection coefficient) of variant A that acts in the absence of variant B.
ces_B0: Cancer effect of variant B that acts in the absence of variant A.
ces_A_on_B: Cancer effect of variant A that acts when a sample already has variant B.
ces_B_on_A: Cancer effect of variant B that acts when a sample already has variant A.
p_A_change: P-value of likelihood ratio test (LRT) that informs whether selection for variant A significantly changes after acquiring variant B. The LRT compares the likelihood of the full epistatic model to that of a reduced model in which ces_A0 and ces_A_on_B are set equal. The p-value is the probability, under the reduced model, of the likelihood ratio being greater than or equal to the ratio observed.
p_B_change: P-value of likelihood ratio test (LRT) that informs whether selection for variant B significantly changes after acquiring variant A. The LRT compares the likelihood of the full epistatic model to that of a reduced model in which ces_B0 and ces_B_on_A are set equal. The p-value is the probability, under the reduced model, of the likelihood ratio being greater than or equal to the ratio observed.
p_epistasis: P-value of likelihood ratio test that informs whether the epistatic model better explains the mutation data than a non-epistatic model in which selection for mutations in each gene are independent of the mutation status in the other gene. Quite often, p_epistasis will suggest a significant epistatic effect even though p_A_change and p_B_change do not suggest significant changes in selection for either gene individually. This is because the degree of co-occurrence can often be explained equally well by a strong change in selection for either gene.
expected_nAB_epistasis: The expected number of samples with both A and B mutated under the fitted epistatic model. Typically, this will be very close to the actual number of AB samples (nAB).
expected_nAB_null: The expected number of samples with both A and B mutated under a no-epistasis model.
AB_epistatic_ratio: The ratio
. Useful to gauge the overall impact of epistatic interactions on the co-occurrence of variants A and B. Since the expectations take mutation rates into account, this ratio is a better indicator than the relative frequencies of A0, B0, AB, 00 in the data set.nA0, nB0, nAB, n00: Number of (included) samples with mutations in just A, just B, both A and B, and neither.
ces_A_null, ces_B_null: Cancer effects of A and B when estimated independently; that is, effects under a no-epistasis model.