Visualize pairwise epistatic scaled selection coefficients, as calculated by
or ces_gene_epistasis()
. For each variant, the isolated site
effect–the overall scaled selection at the site without regard for the mutation status of the
other site–is also depicted.
pairs_per_row = 8,
x_title = "Site pairs",
variant_label_size = 6.5,
dodge_labels = "auto",
alternating_colors = c("#7cb4de", "#7DD3AF"),
include_schematic = TRUE,
schematic_label_size = 2.5,
significance_levels = c(0.05, 0.01, 0.001),
significance_cols = list(A_change = "p_A_change", B_change = "p_B_change", model =
inference_floor = 0.001
- epistatic_effects
Epistatic effects inference table, as produced by
.- pairs_per_row
How many epistatic pairs to show in each plot row. The provided value is incremented if need to prevent the legend schematic from being isolated on its own row.
- x_title
X-axis label. Set NULL for no label.
- variant_label_size
Text size for the variant labels.
- dodge_labels
TRUE/FALSE on using (height staggering) on variant labels. Defaults to "auto"; you can try setting manually if labels are not looking good.
- alternating_colors
Colors, provided as character vector, to use on epistatic effect arrows. It's recommended to supply one or two colors, but more will work.
- include_schematic
TRUE/FALSE on whether to include the schematic that shows how to interpret the plot. If you need to put the schematic somewhere special, set to FALSE and then get your own copy of it with
.- schematic_label_size
Text size of labels in the schematic.
- significance_levels
A vector of 1-3 distinct numeric values on (0, 1) in descending order to use for significance annotations.
- significance_cols
A named list of column names that give significance values for nonzero change in selection for each pair of sites A and B, and for the performance of the epistatic selection model over a model that ignores epistatic interactions. List elements must be named A_change (default "p_A_change") B_change ("p_B_change"), and model ("p_epistasis"). The purpose of this option is to support the use of different columns when multiple testing correction is performed.
- inference_floor
Numeric value of the optimization floor used in epistatic effect inference. Typically, should be left at the default value, which matches cancereffectsizeR epistatic inference defaults. For plot legibility, there will be a dashed horizontal line in the output plot, higher than
and lower than any non-minimized parameter inference, which indicates that all arrows pointing below the line have estimates at the optimization floor.
Variant pairs for which the epistatic selection model is not significantly better than a
no-epistasis model (in which ces_A0 = ces_A_on_B
and ces_B0 = ces_B_on_A
) are depicted
with faded arrows; the threshold is p_epistasis < .05
(or, instead of p_epistasis,
whatever corrected significance column is specified with significance_cols